Robert: I'm the Scapegoat in Century Case

VIVAnews - Robert Tantular was sentenced to four years of imprisonment by the board of judges of Central Jakarta concerning the Bank Century fraud and will file an appeal over the verdict.

"I'm thankful of the verdict passed against me. However, I will still file an appeal," Robert said on Thursday, September 10.

He viewed that the case which involved him was a set-up. "I'm the scapegoat in the case," he said.

He said that of the three charges, the first and second ones were proved wrong.

The first indictment is that Robert and Dewi Tantular cashed down the fixed deposit account which was belonged to Boedi Sampoerna worth US$18 million with no permission given.

The second charge is that Robert and Bank Century director Hermanus Hasan Muslim cashed down credit without taking the appropriate procedures to PT Wibowo Wadah Rejeki worth Rp 121.3 billion and PT Accent Investment Indonesia worth Rp 60 billion.

The third indictment is about Bank Century bonds, concerning especially with the statement of pledges from the ultimate shareholder to give back Bank Century's assets worth US$203.4 million deposited in overseas bank.

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Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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